Decision Making/Art of Persuasion /Body Language/Non Verbal Communication

An absolute passion of mine has been to share with professionals from all walks of life the secret to understanding humans in a way they never have. Within the M.A.S.T.E.R.™ program participants will understand the successful techniques utilized by professionals in the area's such law enforcement (e.g. FBI/CIA), corporate sales environments, and advertising agencies. The keys to understanding how and why people make decisions are reviewed . In addition, the elements of non verbal communication are shown to help people better understand the people they are looking to serve. As professional individuals continue to improve technically in their respected fields, understanding the elements the M.A.S.T.E.R.™ program has shown to be extremely beneficial in their long term success. Here is an overview of what to expect from the M.A.S.T.E.R.™ program.

M. Mindset: It is this first topic that begins to give insight into how the brain works and why humans at their core are very similar. "There is no better skill than understanding other people"

A. Addressing Choice: This section breaks through what we believe to be true regarding our desire for "choice". Within this        section, participants begin to see how to make the process of choosing more predictable.

S. Story Telling: Participants are shocked to understand how important this section is to their success. In this section the elements of story telling are shared so participants can truly understand its impact.

T. Training the Eye: Everyone seems to love body language but few understand what to look for in daily interaction. In this section the elements of body language are covered to allow participants to "see" what so many typically miss.

E. Expectation: Many relationships both personal and professional have seen the effects of expectation. It is in this section that the many of the customer service elements (highlighted below) are discussed. 

R. Recognizing Persuasion: To round out the program participants are shown the elements that make up persuasion. Both conscious and sub-consious decision making are highlighted so participants can better understand what is effecting their own success.


Elements of Customer Service

Weaved in throughout all covered topics are elements of customer service. Having worked for Disney and with over 12 years in hospitality prior to dentistry, these elements are covered to help dental professionals and their teams take their practices to the next level. With the success of fine restaurants and hotels riding on all aspects of customer service, the key elements are covered and shown how they pertain to a clinical enviornment. From answering the phones, to patients (client) work flows, to exiting procedures, nothing is left out. The top 5 elements covered are "Making the Specials sound special", "Teamwork", "Focusing on the Patron", "Communication" and "Presentation is everything". The topics covered help the dental professionals practice clearly stand out from their competition.